Published inTDS ArchiveThree reasons why developers should use DuckDBDevelopers often have to analyse data, e.g. assessing the impact of an outage. DuckDB is a single tool for querying multiple data sources.Jul 14, 20243Jul 14, 20243
Published EngineeringUnlocking observability: Structured logging in Spring BootWell-defined structured logs can make Spring Boot applications more observable than free-form text logsMar 26, 20244Mar 26, 20244
Deep-dive on mTLS with Redis on GCPUnderstand how mutual trust establishment works with mTLS, setting up mTLS for Redis on GCPFeb 22, 20231Feb 22, 20231
Published inhelpshift-engineeringLoad Shedding in ClojureWe implement a load shedding strategy for web services written in Clojure using Ring, to protect the service against load surges.Sep 21, 2020Sep 21, 2020
Published inhelpshift-engineeringLoad Shedding in Web ServicesLoad shedding is a technique that will help a service recover from disaster due to excessive load quickly and with minimal consequence.Sep 4, 20202Sep 4, 20202
Published inhelpshift-engineeringThe Convoluted Magic of Leiningen Test SelectorsAn in-depth look at how to write simple and more advanced test selectors in Clojure projects using Leiningen.May 2, 2020May 2, 2020
Published inhelpshift-engineeringKilling me softly: Graceful shutdowns in ClojureA walkthrough of what happens in the JVM during shutting down a Clojure service and how best to go about it without losing any invariantsJan 27, 2020Jan 27, 2020
Published inhelpshift-engineeringOn the testability of Ring Middlewares in ClojureOur experience at Helpshift testing middleware and handler functions in Clojure Ring serversDec 6, 2019Dec 6, 2019
Published inhelpshift-engineeringA Study in Parallelising TestsIn a language like Clojure, it is very easy to move fast and develop new features. That is one of the many reasons we have been using…May 15, 2019May 15, 2019
Published inhelpshift-engineeringScyllaDB: The Helpshift StoryThis is a story about Helpshift’s move to a sharded database in production and how ScyllaDB helped achieve all requirements.Apr 3, 20191Apr 3, 20191